Sunday, October 19, 2008



Hello Friends ,
AIDS , is really spreading very fast all over the World , even in INDIA. I dont consider it as a disease , but only as an infection and its a challenge like any other . But I really feel that one can still live happily and peacefully . The World does not come to an end . We all have problems, sickness , various karmas in our lives. The most important thing is how am i living ? with DIGNITY , INTEGRITY or SHAME ? NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS ONE SHOULD NOT BE DEFEATED IN LIFE...SMILE .....!!! AND MOVE AHEAD...LIFE IS A STRUGGLE AND IT WILL REMAIN A STRUGGLE. BUT WE SHOULD SMILE , LAUGH AND TAKE THE JOURNEY OF LIFE...............HEADS ON ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Its another challenge thats it ! ... One can easily battle anything , even AIDS !

AS FAMILY , if we support our loved ones and be there for them , there is nothing which we cannot overcome...
Once when i read that families , dont take care of their loved ones or even Friends when they are battling with this infection and they even leave them to die or at the hospitals ... I was shocked !!! How can any one of us do that?

The only thing our dear ones require is our LOVE , SUPPORT , AFFECTION AND UNDERSTANDING . With these things with me i can surely prolong my life.........................................................................................................


What is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
While many viruses can be controlled by the immune system, HIV targets and infects the same immune system cells that are supposed to protect us from illnesses. These are a type of white blood cell called CD4 cells.

HIV takes over CD4 cells and turns them into virus factories that produce thousands of viral copies. As the virus grows, it damages or kills CD4 cells, weakening the immune system.

What is AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.
HIV causes AIDS by attacking the immune system’s soldiers – the CD4 cells. When the immune system loses too many CD4 cells, you are less able to fight off infection and can develop serious, often deadly, infections. These are called opportunistic infections (OIs) because they take advantage of the body's weakened defenses.
When someone dies of AIDS, it is usually opportunistic infections or other long-term effects of HIV infection that cause death. AIDS refers to the body’s immune-compromised state that can no longer stop OIs from developing and becoming so deadly.

What is the Difference Between HIV and AIDS?

You don't have AIDS as soon as you are infected with HIV. You can be HIV+ for many years with no signs of disease, or only mild-to-moderate symptoms. But without treatment, HIV will eventually wear down the immune system in most people to the point that they develop more serious OIs.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines someone as having AIDS if he or she is HIV+ and meets one or both of these conditions:
Has had at least one of 21 AIDS-defining opportunistic infections
Has had a CD4 cell count (T-cell count) of 200 cells or less (a normal CD4 count varies by laboratory, but usually is in the 600 to 1,500 range)

How Do I Know if I Have HIV?

Most people can not tell that they have been exposed or infected. It can take up to 12 weeks for an HIV test to come back positive. However most people respond much faster. Within two to four weeks of exposure to HIV, you might have flu-like symptoms such as fever, swollen glands, muscle aches, or rash.
The only way to know for sure if you are infected is take an HIV test. If you are infected, your immune system will make antibodies to fight the virus. The HIV test looks for these antibodies. If you have them in your blood, it means that you have HIV infection.

Do I Need to Get Tested for HIV?

The CDC estimates that more than 25% of HIV+ people are unaware of their HIV status. Many of these people look and feel healthy and do not think they are at risk. But the truth is that anyone of any age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or social or economic class can become infected. It is your actions (or the actions taken against you), that put you at risk. You should be tested if:

You have had vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom
You have shared needles or syringes to inject drugs (including steroids or hormones)
You are uncertain of your partner’s status or your partner is HIV+
You are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant
You have ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease
You have hepatitis C

Why Should I Get Tested?

If you test HIV+ there are effective medications to help you stay well. But you cannot get the health care and treatment you need if you do not know your HIV status. Being unaware of your status also makes it more likely to unknowingly pass HIV to others.
If you test HIV- you can take steps to stay that way. You can also spare yourself unnecessary worrying.

What Tests are Available?

The most common test for HIV is the antibody test (called ELISA). It can be done on blood, saliva, or urine. According to the CDC, it is more than 99% accurate. Results are generally available within two weeks. (There is a rapid ELISA test that gives results in less than half an hour.)
A positive result means your body has developed antibodies for HIV, so you are infected with the virus. To be completely certain, positive results are confirmed with a more sensitive test called the Western blot.
A negative result means your body has not developed antibodies and are probably not infected. To get truly accurate results, it's necessary to wait three to six months after your last possible exposure to the virus before being tested. That is because the immune system can take anywhere from three to twelve weeks to make antibodies. In this "window period," someone may get an unclear result or a false negative.

Where Can I Get Tested?

You can get tested at your doctor’s office, a clinic, the local health department facilities, or at a hospital. In addition, many states offer anonymous HIV testing. You can also purchase a kit that allows you to collect your own blood sample, send it to a lab for testing, and receive the results anonymously. (Only the "Home Access" brand kit is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.)
It is important to get tested at a site that provides counseling. Counselors can answer questions about high-risk behavior and suggest ways you can protect yourself and others in the future. People who test HIV+ can receive support and referrals to health care and other services. The counselor can help you through the whole testing process – from start to finish.
The CDC's National AIDS Hotline can answer questions about HIV testing and refer you to testing sites in your area:
1-800-342-2437 (English)
1-800-344-7432 (Spanish)
Is There a Vaccine to Prevent HIV Infection?
There is currently no vaccine available. The best way to prevent HIV is to use sterile needles and practice safer sex .
The American Foundation for AIDS Research. (2001). Facts about HIV/AIDS: Retrieved July 2003 from
Grossman, H. (ed.) (2004). Am I infected? (A complete guide to testing for HIV): Retrieved July 2003 from
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. (2000). HIV infection and AIDS: An overview: Retrieved July 2003 from
The New Mexico AIDS InfoNet. (2001). Fact Sheet 101: What is AIDS?: Retrieved July 2003 from
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Information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It is designed to support, not replace, personal medical care and should never be used as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis, or hands-on treatment. We recommend all medical decisions be made in consultation with your personal health care provider.

Living with and managing HIV disease requires a thorough understanding of the treatments that are available to you. It also demands that drug companies develop new and more effective HIV drugs through clinical trials and research. If you’re frustrated about the lack of information specific to women, consider participating in a clinical trial (there are many kinds)! Even if you don’t participate in a drug study, you’re still helping us learn more about HIV disease in women!

HIV causes illness and problems for you by attacking your immune system. When this happens, other diseases and conditions may occur because of your weakened immune system or because of the long term affect of HIV on your body. Some are Opportunistic Infections (also called AIDS defining illnesses), some are toxicities or side effects related to anti-HIV drugs, while others are diseases and conditions that may happen to people with or without HIV

We all know that it is important to take care of ourselves. When we eat right, get good rest and exercise, we feel better! It’s easy to know this, but harder to live by it when you are HIV+. HIV drugs can have debilitating side effects, or simply make you tired. When we are sick, it’s often even harder to take good care of ourselves than when we are well. Our families need us, our jobs need us – and we have a habit of putting ourselves last. Learn to put yourself at the front of the line. If not first, at least nearly first! You’ll feel better and you’ll have more to give everyone else.

Sometimes you just want to know what something means to you – as a woman. Sure, there is lots of great information out there about HIV and AIDS, but it’s often hard to find out about how women, specifically, are affected. What does it mean to our bodies? Our menstrual cycle? Our reproductive system? What about dating? Pregnancy? The Women’s Center is here to answer those questions.

Are you Ready?

HIV drugs can improve quality of life and help HIV+ people stay healthier longer. But starting treatment is a big decision. In order to get the maximum benefit from the drugs, you need to make a commitment to taking them correctly. Commitment to the treatment is as important as the drugs themselves. So before you get started, make sure that you are ready to stick to it for the long haul! This takes a combination of the right doctor, enough knowledge about HIV, and the right attitude.

The Right Doctor

You and your doctor are a team working together to make the best treatment decisions for you. Ask yourself a few questions: Can I be totally honest with my doctor? Is he or she available when I have questions? Does he or she take my concerns seriously? If so, great!
If not, try to make changes. Write down the questions you’d like to ask your doctor before you go to visits. Answer your doctor’s questions with the truth, not with what you think the doctor wants to hear. If that still doesn’t work, it may be time to find another doctor.
It is also wise to have an HIV specialist for your care. Doctors who devote most of their time to HIV are best equipped to manage this complicated condition.
Knowledge about HIV

The Basics

HIV is a virus that infects and destroys CD4 cells. CD4 cells are part of the body’s immune system. The immune system protects the body from invaders. When the immune system loses too many CD4 cells, it becomes weak and is unable to fight off germs. At this point, you are vulnerable to AIDS-related opportunistic infections (OIs) that can cause serious illness or death.
HIV Treatments
Scientists have developed drugs that block HIV from reproducing (multiplying) at different stages of its life cycle. So far there are four classes of drugs:
Fusion inhibitors
Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (“nukes” or NRTIs)
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (“non-nukes” or NNRTIs)
Protease inhibitors (PIs)
These drugs are always used in combinations known as HAART. HAART stands for highly active antiretroviral therapy. HAART attacks HIV at different points using different drugs (usually from different classes). This is the best way to reduce the amount of HIV in your blood (viral load).

Blood Tests

Your doctor will use blood tests to monitor how you are doing. The CD4 count checks the strength of your immune system. The viral load test measures the amount of virus in your blood. When you use HIV drugs, you should see your viral load go down and your CD4 count go up. That’s how you can tell the medications are working.

Treatment Goals

To get viral load as low as possible for as long as possible
To preserve or regain immune system function by increasing CD4 cells
To improve quality of life and reduce illness and death
Treatment Guidelines
The government has put together a list of guidelines to help people decide when to start treatment:
Anyone with symptoms of AIDS (such as opportunistic infections) should start therapy
Anyone with a CD4 count less than 200 should start therapy
People with a CD4 count greater than 350 and viral load less than 55,000 can probably hold off on treatment
The guidelines are less clear in other situations. You and your doctor should review your numbers frequently and consider the risks and benefits of starting treatment earlier or later.
Benefits of Starting Early:
Earlier and easier reduction of viral load
Delay or prevent a weakened immune system
Stay healthier longer
Risks of Starting Early:
It can be hard to take drugs everyday
Drug-related side effects
May reduce future treatment options
No one knows how long the drugs will keep working
Benefits of Starting Later:
Avoid negative effects on quality of life
Avoid drug-related side effects
More treatment options for the future
Risks of Starting Later:
May have immune system damage that cannot be reversed or improved
May be harder to bring down viral load


After starting HIV drugs, you should see your viral load decrease and your CD4 cells increase. Over time, however, some people see their viral load increase, even though they are still taking HIV drugs. When a drug becomes less effective against HIV, we say that HIV has become "resistant" to that drug. If you develop resistance you will have to change one or more drugs in your regimen.


In order to get the maximum benefit from HIV therapy and reduce the chances of developing resistance, you must take your drugs on schedule. This is called adherence. Skipping doses, not taking the drugs on time, and not following food requirements can all cause your drugs to be less effective or to stop working altogether.

The Right Attitude

If you decide the time is right to start treatment, have a good attitude going in. Believe that:
Starting treatment is the right decision for you
The HIV medications will help you fight the virus
You can take your medications the right way
What ever decision you make, don’t go it alone. Put together a support system including your doctor, nurses, social workers, and case managers. You may want to join a support group of other HIV+ people. Family and friends can help too.
The more you think and talk about your decision, the better the outcome. What ever you decide to do, keep going to your doctor for regular check ups and blood work.
Peiperl, L. & Coffey, S. (2003). Overview of antiretroviral drugs: Retrieved July 2003 from
Sterling, T. (2003). When to start HAART, and what to start. Hopkins AIDS Report: Retrieved July 2003 from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Service AIDSInfo. (2004). Antiretroviral treatment: Adult and adolescent guidelines: Retrieved July 2003 from

Basic Facts

While many viruses can be controlled by the immune system, HIV targets and infects the same immune system cells that are supposed to protect us from illnesses. These are a type of white blood cell called CD4 cells. HIV takes over CD4 cells and turns them into virus factories that produce thousands of viral copies. As the virus grows, it damages or kills CD4 cells, weakening the immune system.

When the immune system loses too many CD4 cells, you are less able to fight off infection and can develop serious illnesses, cancers, and neurological problems. These are called opportunistic infections (OIs) because they take advantage of the body's weakened defenses. OIs can lead to hospitalization and disability, and are responsible for most of the deaths in people with AIDS.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines an HIV+ person with a CD4 cell count of 200 or less as having AIDS. The CDC has also developed a list of more than 20 opportunistic infections that are considered AIDS-defining conditions. If you have HIV and one or more of these OIs, you have AIDS.

Even if your CD4 cell count goes back above 200 or an OI is successfully treated, you will still have a diagnosis of AIDS. This does not necessarily mean you are sick or will get sick in the future. It is just the system used by the government to count the number of people who have been diagnosed with AIDS.
Preventing and Treating OIs
The best way to prevent OIs is to keep your immune system as strong as possible by taking HIV drugs before your CD4 cell count falls too low (below 200). This allows the immune system to do its job of controlling infections.
If your CD4 cells do fall below 200, taking appropriate medication at certain CD4 cell levels can prevent many OIs from developing. Taking medication to prevent disease is called “prophylaxis.”
Effective treatment options are available in most cases if you do develop an OI. After you recover, you may still need to receive on-going maintenance treatment to prevent the OI from coming back.
You may be able to stop prophylaxis or maintenance treatments if your CD4 cell count goes up. You should not discontinue any treatment without discussing it first with your doctor.
OIs and Women
There are certain sex differences in OIs:
Men are eight times more likely than women to develop Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)
Women are more likely than men to develop bacterial pneumonia
Women may have higher rates of herpes simplex infections than men
Dysplasia is a pre-cancerous condition in the female reproductive system, It is often more severe and difficult to treat in HIV+ women than in HIV-negative women. Untreated dysplasia can lead to cervical cancer, a life-threatening illness and an AIDS-defining condition.
It is important for HIV+ women to have regular Pap smears and gynecological exams to identify infection, dysplasia, or cancer. In addition, HIV+ women should have regular lab tests and appointments with their HIV provider to monitor their health. On-going medical care allows for the effective prevention or early diagnosis and treatment of OIs.

Addiction and HIV

Addiction is a serious problem in the HIV community. Using drugs or alcohol can lead to exposure to HIV, but they can also cause severe physical, social, emotional, and psychological problems after a person becomes infected.
Some people get infected directly through addiction behaviors, such as re-using a needle that was contaminated with HIV. Some get infected indirectly as a result of drugs or alcohol, like getting drunk, going home with a stranger, and forgetting about safer sex.
Recognizing Addiction
Do you have a problem with addiction? Take a quick quiz to find out: (The questions ask about drinking, but you can substitute the words “drug use.”)
Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (an eye-opener) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
If you answered yes to one question, you might have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse. If you answered yes to two or more, chances are good that you are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Problems Caused by Addiction for HIV+ People
Some HIV+ people get defensive about their drug or alcohol use. They say it’s tough living with a life-threatening disease, that they need something to help them relax, etc.
But the truth is that the combination of HIV and either drugs or alcohol can be deadly, either in the short run or the long run. Why?


HIV infection can make your body more fragile. You may lose muscle mass and/or body fat. You may not be able to handle the same amount of drugs or alcohol you could tolerate in the old days – and can end up in the Emergency Room or worse as a result.


If you are overusing drugs or alcohol, chances are you are not taking your HIV and medications correctly. Remember, if you take your HIV drugs incorrectly, you take the risk that your virus will mutate and become resistant to the medications. Eventually, you could end up in a situation where none of the HIV medications will work for you.

Drug Interactions

Haven’t been honest with your physician about what street drugs you use, or how much alcohol you drink? You’re headed for trouble! You can end up with drug interactions. These can affect the levels of other drugs in your system – and make normal doses of medication end up as super-high or super-low in your system. Some combinations can even result in a heart attack or stroke.

HIV Acceleration

Want to make the HIV in your system go wild, and cross the barrier into your brain faster? Do some cocaine or crack – it’s like stepping on the gas pedal. Your HIV can progress much faster than normal, and you can also end up with HIV dementia, a disorder of the brain.

Risk Behaviors

Want to do something stupid? Get high or drunk. When your judgment is off, who knows what you’ll do – including putting yourself at risk for physical or sexual assault, or at risk for other sexually transmitted diseases. Think HIV is a drag? You’ll really be sorry if you add hepatitis C, anal or vaginal warts, and herpes!

Taking Care of Yourself

So if you know you have a problem with addiction, what do you do? There is no one right answer for everyone. Each person is different. But there are two basic steps:
1. Talk to your doctor -
Even if you are not ready to cut down or stop using drugs or alcohol, your HIV physician needs to know what you are doing in order to be able to treat you.
2. Consider your treatment options -
Inpatient or outpatient? Group counseling or individual? Twelve-step or not? A mental health professional, case manager, peer counselor, physician, nurse, or substance abuse professional can help you sort through the options and make healthy decisions. Many free or low cost recovery programs are available that you may not know about.

What is Exercise?

Exercise is activity that you do on a regular basis (every day, or several times a week) for the purpose of improving your health. Keep in mind that if it’s something you do every day as part of your job, it’s probably not exercise. Exercise needs to be outside of your daily routine.
That doesn’t mean that increasing your normal activities during the day can’t be helpful. Some studies have shown that adding small amounts of activity throughout the day can improve your health. This might mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther back in the parking lot, or walking to places less than a mile or two away.

Benefits of Exercise

Everyone knows that exercise can make you stronger, give you endurance, and strengthen your heart. But there are many benefits of exercise that are especially helpful for HIV+ people. An exercise routine can:

Increase muscle mass
Reduce fat around the waist (lipohypertrophy)
Lower total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol)
Raise HDL (the good cholesterol)
Lower triglycerides
Help control blood sugars
Strengthen bones (help prevent bone disease)
Strengthen your immune system
Reduce stress
Give you more energy throughout the day
Exercise and the Immune System
There is as strong connection between muscle mass and immunity. By increasing the size of your muscles, you may be able to slow the progression of your HIV. People who exercise often have higher CD4 cell counts and fewer side effects from HIV and HIV drugs.

Types of Exercise

Aerobic exercise uses oxygen to burn fat in your body. This is why people who are trying to lose weight often do lots of aerobic exercise. It is also called cardiovascular exercise, because it raises your heart rate and makes your heart stronger. Besides burning fat, it can increase your endurance, meaning that you don’t get tired as quickly when you use energy.
Weight-bearing exercise (also called resistance or strength training) is when you move weight with your muscles. When you do this your muscles tear, but when they heal they are bigger and stronger. It is important that when you do weight-bearing exercise, you wait until that part of the body is not sore anymore before you exercise it again. Your body needs plenty of time to heal the muscles.

What Type of Exercise Should I Do?

Aerobic exercises are good for people who want to lose weight, burn fat, increase endurance, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, or lower blood sugars. (In some HIV+ people, exercise may not lower cholesterol and triglycerides enough. If this is the case, speak to your doctor about lipid-lowering drugs.)
Some HIV+ people should not do aerobic exercise, such as those who are wasting or have very little body fat. Make sure that you ask your doctor if you have any conditions that keep you from doing aerobic exercise.
Weight-bearing exercise can be helpful for most HIV+ people. This type of exercise strengthens muscles and makes them bigger, which can help prevent or fight wasting. If you have had muscle loss, weight-bearing exercise is probably good for you. However, if you have osteoporosis (bone disease) or if you have been hurt recently, weight-bearing exercise could be dangerous, and you may need a physical therapist. Ask your doctor if weight-bearing exercise is okay for you.
Good Aerobic Exercises:
Fast walking
Good Weight-bearing Exercises:
Lifting weights with machines
Squats or lunges

How do I Start an Exercise Routine?

First of all, ask your doctor what types of exercise are okay for you. Then start slowly. Do what you can, but don’t overdo it. Be patient with your body and your workout.
Before you start your exercise program record your weight and the measurements of your arms, legs, chest, stomach, and hips. If possible, also check your body composition with a Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). A BIA can be given in a doctor's office and takes only a few minutes. The test determines your body composition by calculating the amount of fat, muscle, and water in the body according to height, weight, sex, and age.
It may be helpful to set goals for yourself, such as increasing or decreasing some of your body measurements. If you are new to exercise, set simple goals for the frequency and duration of your workouts and increase them over time. Make sure your goals are realistic.
When doing aerobic exercise, walk at a pace where you could answer a question in a few words but you aren’t gasping for air. Try to work up to at least 30 minutes three times a week. If you have to start out with 10 minutes, that’s fine. Walk for 10 minutes, and in a couple of weeks add five minutes to your workout. Continue doing this until you are up to 30 minutes or more at least three times a week.
When doing weight-bearing exercise be sure to use slow, controlled movements. Don’t slam the weights down or drop them quickly on the way down. This is not helpful when trying to put on muscle and it can be dangerous. Try to work up to weight-bearing exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more.
Most importantly, drink lots of water before, during, and after your workout. When you're feeling sick, either exercise less or stop for a while.
Starting an exercise routine requires commitment. It may take a while for you to get used to your routine, but don’t give up! If you are able, try hiring or talking to a certified fitness trainer to help you develop a good routine. Make sure to talk to your doctor about any exercise you are doing.

Sexual Harm Reduction

Most people know that serious, even life-threatening infections, like HIV, hepatitis and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) can be passed from one person to another through sex. One approach to lowering this risk is called "harm reduction." If you do not want to abstain from sex, harm reduction offers options to make sexual activity safer.
Safer sex isn’t only for the prevention of new HIV infections. It’s important for positives, too. A couple where both partners are HIV+ can use safer sex to prevent co-infection with other STDs that can weaken the immune system. Safer sex can also reduce the possibility of getting reinfected (also called superinfected) with a strain of HIV that is resistant to the drug regimen you are taking.
Since every sexual act that involves sexual fluids has at least some risk, safer sex means using barriers every time. Barriers include condoms (male and female), dental dams, latex gloves, and even plastic food wrap (not microwave-style plastic wrap). Barriers help reduce risk substantially.
Even though it is the safest thing to do, some couples do not always use barriers. If this is the case, you can still practice some kind of harm reduction.

Practicing Safer Sex

Sometimes the place to start in safer sex is to identify the riskiest thing you do and then think about how you could make that activity less risky. The following are some safer sex tips, starting with the most risky activities and moving to less risky activities:
Penetrative Sex (sex in anus or vagina)
Penetrative sex is considered the highest-risk activity. For both vaginal and anal sex, use latex condoms and lots of water-based lubricant (lube) to prevent the condom from breaking. Lube also helps condoms feel better.
If you’re not going to use condoms, try to reduce the friction by using a heavier lube that will help prevent small cuts or tears in the vagina, rectum or penis. (Because you’re not using latex, Vaseline or Crisco are better than water-based lubes since they last longer.) Also avoid getting semen in the body by having the man pull out before cumming.

Oral Sex

Different studies report different levels of risk for HIV infection during unprotected oral sex. However, most studies find that the risk is low. To make it safer, use latex condoms for oral sex on a man. If you perform oral sex without a condom, finish up with the hand, or spit semen out and rinse with a dental wash rather than swallowing.
Dental dams are large squares made from latex. Plastic food wrap (not microwave-style plastic wrap) is just as effective. Put some water-based lube on one side of the dam or plastic wrap. Then stretch the dam over the vagina or anus with the lubed side facing down. This gives you a thin barrier between your mouth and the vagina or anus.
If you don’t use a barrier, avoid getting precum, semen or vaginal fluids in your mouth. Avoid vaginal oral sex during menstruation to prevent contact with blood. Bad oral hygiene (bleeding gums, ulcers, gum disease) can make oral sex much riskier. Use a mint instead of brushing your teeth before sex.
Fisting, Handballing, or Fingering
Paper cuts and other openings in the skin can make your hands vulnerable to infection. Wearing latex gloves keeps you protected during hand-vagina or hand-anus sex. Adding lube to the outside of the gloves will increase your partner’s pleasure.
Other safer sex tips: Limit the time and frequency of penetrations. Try non-penetrative sex for a change. For example, consider mutual masturbation. Also get medical attention for any infections or health problems in the genital area.

Thinking it Through

Try and change your ways of thinking that make it difficult for you to practice safer sex. The things you think influence how you act.
Thought: "We slipped once and forgot to use a condom, so it's too late now."
New idea: It's never too late. Yes, even one exposure can be dangerous, but it's not as dangerous as a hundred exposures! If you slipped once, it's time to get back on the wagon.
Thought: "Safer sex is such a drag. It's no fun."
New idea: Here's a great chance to spice up your sex life. Why not take one of the workshops offered on "Eroticizing Safer Sex?" How about getting a book, video, or DVD about hot safer sex?
Thought: "I can't feel anything through condoms!"
New idea: Time to change brands! Getting free condoms at the health office or buying them at a drugstore may be cheap, but you're probably not getting the best around. Try some of the variety packs offered by mail-order sex supply catalogs or hit the "adult love" stores in your area for a better selection. The best condoms are thin but tough and transmit heat and sensation well.
Thought: "My partner absolutely refuses to use a condom."
New idea: How comfortable are you with someone who is willing to put your life at risk? This sounds like a serious issue, and it's probably not the only one in your relationship. Have you considered individual or couple's counseling?
Thought: "I can't suggest to my girl/guy that we get an HIV test. We've been together so long that s/he would take it as an insult."
New idea: How about presenting it as an act of love? "You know, I really love you. We've been together for a while, but we never got tested for HIV. I hate the thought that I could be putting you at risk, because I couldn't stand to hurt you. Why don't we go get tested together for our peace of mind?"
Sometimes the safest thing you can do in sex is keep a clear head. Sex when you are drunk or under the influence of drugs may be most likely to be unsafe.

LETS ENSURE THAT WE ARE WELL AWARE OF ALL THE INFORMATION REGARDING SEX AND STAY HEALTHY AND HELP OTHER PEOPLE STAY HEALTHY !!! ....................................................................................................

Thursday, October 9, 2008



Everybody have something to say about love. Be it cynical, meaningful, sad, cute or funny. the list goes on. Some quotes may inspire and strengthen your belief about love while other quotes can be treated as cute jokes that reflect the unpleasant parts of love. Either way, the fact this section exist already goes to show love is all around us. So, let your fingers do the clicking and show you what quotes we have to offer!

Welcome to the love quotes :........

Quote :

Two years I know its true I believe I fell in love with you I knew a year agoI know now and I knew it then That this love isn’t at short endThe time we spent The things we shared Although feelings for each other were mostly spared I love you and I don’t think you see but,I think that you are the one for meI try to give up and I end up where I startBut your never very far from my heart I love our connectionOur simple bind too Our love is so strong Yet so true And I cant help but feel it when I’m with you

Quote :

Love is odd it never makes any sense but it always there to make you feel loved

Quote :

..f u love sum1,,giv all the love u cn ofer,,dont evr wait d tymull jaz realize dat'''its too LATE!!!'''

Quote :

..loveis worthwithwait!!

Quote :

LOVESometimes It Does Hurt But Sometimes Does Not Hurt At All!!

Quote :

love is not the most important thing in the is concern,trust and innocence...

Quote :

You don't know how hard the road to letting go is.... until your the one traveling on it...

Quote :

"Dear Sweetheart,Don't get worried the day when i forget you. Be proud that it will be the dooms day of my life"-

Quote :

old things as past away behold oldthings are become new,,,,,,,,,,,,

Quote :

someone once said the higher you are the greater the still rubbing my bruises since you left me.

Quote :

to my baby jasonI love the way you look at me,Your eyes so bright and brown.I love the way you kiss me,Your lips so soft and smooth.I love the way you make me so happy,And the ways you show you care.I love the way you say, "I Love You,"And the way you're always there.I love the way you touch me,Always sending chills down my spine.I love that you are with me,And glad that you are mine. I hopeYour lips speak soft sweetnessYour touch a cool caressI am lost in your magicMy heart beats within your chestI think of you each morningAnd dream of you each nightI think of your arms being around meAnd cannot express my delightNever have I fallenBut I am quickly on my wayYou hold a heart in your handsThat has never before been given awayI wrote your name in the sky,but the wind blew it away.I wrote your name in the sand,but the waves washed it away.I wrote your name in my heart,and forever it will stay.Love is the greatest feeling,Love is like a play,Love is what I feel for you,Each and every day,Love is like a smile,Love is like a song,Love is a great emotion,That keeps us going strong,I love you with my heart,My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving,Like a love I can't control,So remember when your eyes meet mine,I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you,Right from the very start.I love you so deeply,I love you so much,I love the sound of your voiceAnd the way that we touch.I love your warm smileAnd your kind, thoughtful way,The joy that you bringTo my life every day.I love you todayAs I have from the start,And I'll love you foreverWith all of my heart.Love is like a lump of gold,Hard to get, and hard to hold.Of all the girls I've ever met,You're the one I can't forget.I do believe that God above,Created you for me to love.He chose you from all the rest,Because he knew I would love you best.

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4 my one and olni sxc jIf I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.

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If love can be avoided by simply closing our eyes, then I wouldn't blink at all for I don't want to let a second pass having fallen out of love with you.i love u

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the Biggest loss in life ,"Tears in sumone's eyes becoz of you..."The Biggest achivement of life,"Tears in sumone's eyes for u.."

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Dear Soul mateI dont have words to express my love for you. I had never imagined that there will be some one so caring , so loving and so attached with me . I cant see tears in your sparkling eyes. I can feel the warmth of your hands even in your absence. I am so attached with your soul that i can speak to you with out uttering single word. I can see in your eyes the love you are having in your heart. i feel blessed whenever i think of our relation. You r so cute just like a sweet sweet littl' baby. let me thank you for a beautiful gift you have given me i.e our daughter. I feel complete as i am having a son and a daughter. You make me feel different . I wanna love you every day , every hour , every min, every sec. I thank to God for these wonderful moments of my life. Always yours,Your Soulmate.

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There was a blind girl who hate herself because of being blind. She hate everyone except her boyfriend. One day the girl said that if she can only see the world she will marry her boyfriend. Then the next day, someone donated eyes to her and she saw everything including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her ,"now that you can see, will you marry me?". The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is also blind. And she refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away with tears and just said, "just take care of my eyes"...Ouch!!!

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YoU CAmE ARouNd ANd LiFtED Me UPiN TEArs i WaS DRoWNeDin PaiN i WaS inJUReDHeLD Me In UR aRMs Nd TOlD Me EvRYtHiNG wiLL Be AiTEwAT DO i DO???hOW CaN i TrUsT yOu iF He SaiD ThE SaMe....i WiLL ALWAYS LOVE U GORDO!!!TU CHiKiTA

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back or let alone even know how you feel is one of the worst pains ever....!!!

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a girl asked her boyfriend do you like me??he said noso she asked him do u think i'm pretty?he said noso she said if i were to walk away right now would u cry?and he said noso she said "i can't take this any more"and she turned to walk awaybut then he grabbed her hand and said..." i don't like you, i love you..i don't think your pretty, i think your beautiful...and if u were to walk away right now i wouldn't cry, I would DIE"

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a girl asked her boyfriend do you like me??he said noso she asked him do u think i'm pretty?he said noso she said if i were to walk away right now would u cry?and he said noso she said "i can't take this any more"and she turned to walk awaybut then he grabbed her hand and said..." i don't like you, i love you..i don't think your pretty, i think your beautiful...and if u were to walk away right now i wouldn't cry, I would DIE"

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love is blind deaf and dum...

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..It Drives you crazy.....It makes You Mad...It makes you jealousit makes you causes sleepless even breaks your heartnow come to think of it healthy to fall in love??

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..don't lose the one you love when you can't afford to see him with other..simple,don't hold one love if you know you will left him..more simple, don't hold one person if you knew he was owned by someone else..most simple, don't hold one person if you had already another person holding....

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i wiSh i c0uld shout out eVeRy dAmN qUEsti0n iN mY miNd..but i'd rAtHer n0t..c0z i'd bE betTer ofF hAving a mInd dats c0nFused,tHaN a pIerced hEArt cAuSed bY aNswers i wIsh i'd nevEr hEard..:C¢¾sHAnz¢¾

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if i could reach out a single star for every moment you've made me smile, the entire universe would be in the palm of my hand ***if i could pick a flower for every moment i think of you, i could walk forever in my garden..

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Love is all around, You just need to look,And it will find you,You can read it like a book

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outside of my heart i wrote NO TRESPASSING but the love came and laughing by and said I ENTER EVERYWHERE

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the love i have for you is like the ocean you can see its beginning but the april kyn oquias

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i placed kisses on my palm, closed my fists tight and opened my hand to the wind, so that if someday you'll think of me out of the blue, probably because those kisses found their way to you, I LOVE YOU, BABY KO..

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There are sometimes when we hugged, when we kiss, when i would think, i should really treasure this moment, as it may really be the last. At your place before i left, i got this strange sense of foreboding... Well at least i know that, i really hugged u tightly then...It still irks me,piss me off and all that,that all ended just like that at times, or all the time.but thanks for all the memories u brought me...beautiful and delicious..

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every tear of sadness that we shed for a person we love is a capsule of memory that we have to leave behind. We fall in love so that we learn; we get hurt so that we will become strong; and we cry so that we can let go and find our place in the life of someone who will love us the way we have loved.

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they say past is pat
, we need to move on... to see the future! But how can we move on? when our past is the only thing we ever wanted in the future!!!!!!!

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I'm not a saintI'm just a manWho had heaven and Earth In the palm of his handbut I threw it awaySo now I stand here today asking forgiveness and if you could just pleaseGive me another chance to write you another songAnd take back those thing's I've doneCause I'll give you my heart If you would let me start all over Again

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There are so many "I'll never forget"s I'll never forget the way you touched me, the way you smiled, etc.There are so many "I still love you"sThere are so many "I'll never forget you"sThere are so many questionsWhy did you go? Why did this happen? etc.I just wanna say that there is no point to dwelling over your past. Of course you should look back on memories and cherish them for all you're worth, no matter how painful, but looking back only for pain gets you no where. Keep on asking questions, but ask them for you not for pain, because it seems that everyone who has lost someone is driven by pain and suffering; something that will kill you in the end. The most popular question in my opinion is "Why me?"Well, why not you?

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if you say someone is heartless then ur dumb, no one can live without a heart, and when u say he/she ripped my heart out or why dont u just rip my heart out? then ur saying kill me or ur already dead!!!! think b 4 u speak!!!!-

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Beauty gets attention. Personality captures the heart.

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To my Babygirl Lisa," What truly makes love strong is knowing you have to fight for it. the thrill of the fight is what keeps the love alive. We have encountered many obstacles, and we defeated them TOGETHER. Distance is another one of these obstacles. dont let it beat us. I LOVE U AND I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW THAT YOUR THE ONLY ONE FOR ME EVERRRR.

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I saw..i fell...took another glimps..didn't know why it fealt so stronglike i knew you already..but i know i didn't.i caught myself thinking about youand i stoped my self.. thinking i was crazy for loving you and ended up thinking to my self that you where to good for me and just tried get busy w/ somthing eles to stop thinking about you for 2 years but thinking back about thoese years you neer where always there everytime i looked at another girl... then you came out off no where..i was so confussed why i LOved so much you. Cause i fealt like i had no choice but to love look so sad every time i saw you.i fealt so bad. my heart fealt like it was mealting as i walked away.seemed liked there was many unspoken words that leaft are hears broken.i never wanted to love you i just prayed that the good LOrd would send you the right man...later i fell deeper and wanted her in my knows when im see her agian...yet i thought to my self if this is really wut i think it is i won't ever loses you no matter how many years apart we are.....

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I saw..i fell...took another glimps..didn't know why it fealt so stronglike i knew you already..but i know i didn't.i caught myself thinking about youand i stoped my self.. thinking i was crazy for loving you and ended up thinking to my self that you where to good for me and just tried get busy w/ somthing eles to stop thinking about you for 2 years but thinking back about thoese years you neer where always there everytime i looked at another girl... then you came out off no where..i was so confussed why i LOved so much you. Cause i fealt like i had no choice but to love look so sad every time i saw you.i fealt so bad. my heart fealt like it was mealting as i walked away.seemed liked there was many unspoken words that leaft are hears broken.i never wanted to love you i just prayed that the good LOrd would send you the right man...later i fell deeper and wanted her in my knows when im see her agian...yet i thought to my self if this is really wut i think it is i won't ever loses you no matter how many years apart we are.....

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I saw..i fell...took another glimps..didn't know why it fealt so stronglike i knew you already..but i know i didn't.i caught myself thinking about youand i stoped my self.. thinking i was crazy for loving you and ended up thinking to my self that you where to good for me and just tried get busy w/ somthing eles to stop thinking about you for 2 years but thinking back about thoese years you neer where always there everytime i looked at another girl... then you came out off no where..i was so confussed why i LOved so much you. Cause i fealt like i had no choice but to love look so sad every time i saw you.i fealt so bad. my heart fealt like it was mealting as i walked away.seemed liked there was many unspoken words that leaft are hears broken.i never wanted to love you i just prayed that the good LOrd would send you the right man...later i fell deeper and wanted her in my knows when im see her agian...yet i thought to my self if this is really wut i think it is i won't ever loses you no matter how many years apart we are....

Quote :

Loving you is all i do, but loving me its up to you.
Loving you is all i do, but loving me its up to you.
Loving you is all i do, but loving me its up to you?
if i could reinvert the alphabet, i would put U and I together.


Disconnected From Reality

The past few days I have done a lot of soul searching. I am seated on American Airlines flight 234 headed to Miami for a seven day cruise and what’s suppose to be lots of rest and relaxation with the man who I have always thought of as my lifetime. Funny, how events in your life will alter the way you feel about life and everyone in it. From day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute your life, feelings, and actions are constantly changing. Normally, I would be blissfully happy because we are together but today I am totally disgusted and nothing about my mood is pleasant. I bet he noticed it from the time I arrived in NY. I guess that is why he made no attempts at making love to me last night. His behavior is not like I remembered. Maybe he is just reacting to me. In any case at this point in my life I really don’t care. I am tired of short-changing myself. At this very moment I have made the decision to end things with him. I’m tired of always coming up short with him. I will just wait for the right time to tell him. Ten years is more than enough time to know what you want.The plane touched down, we retrieved our bags and caught a cab to the Ship. It felt like days before we reached our cabin and had a minute to relax. My heart was pounding so hard. My head was aching from the thoughts of everything that had happen to me this year and my soul was ready to give up. Another blow to my existence would destroy me. Now was the time to put all the cards on the table. “Dawson, we need to talk.” “Good, I was waiting for you to let me know what was going on with you. I understand you suffered a terrible lost this year but you really need to try and get yourself together and enjoy the rest of your life. You need to move on with your life Harlem.” My initial laugh was a slight chuckle but for some reason after repeating his comment in my head I began to laugh hysterically. “I know you are not telling me to move on with my life. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? I guess if I was moving on with my life I wouldn’t be here with you. You got your nerve. I am so tired of playing with you.” He looked shock. “Harlem, what did I do to you? Why are you so angry with me? I know things haven’t been easy for you but I refuse to let you take it out on me. I am here to have a good time and I hope you are not going to ruin that.” I turned to look at him and for the first time he looked like all the other sorry men whose impacted my life in such a negative way. Men have always let me down from day one. Never could I remember being showed any kind of affection by my father. My first marriage was affectionless and I spend eight years trying to mother my second husband. Nothing ever seems to go right for me. My last marriage was my one and only shot at getting everything I wanted. My husband was as good as a man could get. In him I had it all; my father, my protector, and my soul mate. Finally I got my piece of the pie but once again life pulled the rug from under me. Took me to the highest mountain, promised me the world, walked me to the edge, allowed me to admire the beautiful view, and then without warning pushed me over. Life to me had become the enemy. The edge was a distant memory for me. I had departed from it so long ago. Why hadn’t anyone noticed? Now I’m here with him and he’s attempting to walk me to yet another cliff. Well, little does Dawson know, cliffs don’t scare me anymore. So much of my life was wasted holding on to something that would never exist with him. I’ve always wanted something from him that he never intended to give me.This was the perfect moment to get everything out. No holds barred. “Dawson, let’s just be honest. You never wanted to give me everything, did you? You just wanted to continue to have your cake and eat it too. Well, let me be the first to tell you that life is not designed for any of us to have it all without compromising. I can’t believe how stupid I have been. Ten years! Ten wasted years! I can’t do this any longer. This is not even worth it anymore. I know what it feels like to have a man love me whole heartedly and Dawson you have never made me feel that way. As a matter of fact I don’t think you even came close.” Again he looked shocked. He looked crushed. I was on a roll so I needed to continue. “Yes, the sex has always been great. The dinners, the vacations, the calls, the excitement, everything was great but it’s not enough. It was never enough. I hate knowing being with you is always temporary. This vacation for Christ sake is seven days and seven days only. Then what am I suppose to do? Go back to my life and continue to wait for you. I hate that I don’t know anything about your personal life. We have known each other so long but you keep that part of you private. I guess I have never been or will ever be the one for you.”He looked hurt by what I said and what he said next left nothing else to discuss. “Harlem, from day one I have always been there for you. I met you while you were still in love with your first husband. I stood by and gave you everything you asked of me and asked for nothing in return. I have feelings and I hurt too. I never pressured you or gave you any ultimatums. I just played it cool and hoped one day I would have a chance with you. Then you left the country, married another guy and had a child. Yes, I was happy for you because you seemed happy but it hurt my heart. I had no choice but to move on with my life because that is what you did. When things with you and him was over you was strong in my life again but you always kept your options open. You never acted as if you wanted any more than what we shared. I admit I was scared and I didn’t want to play myself and get my feeling hurt by you again so I never pressed any issues. As soon as I started allowing myself to get into you again you, well you know what you did. Now because of how things worked out for you all of a sudden I am number one guy again. Well Harlem I don’t like being second best either. You are here, there, and everywhere and I don’t know where I fit. Your world is so crazy and changes from day to day it would wear me out anyway. I just wanted to come out here and have a good time and that is exactly what I am going to do. If you want to sit here and feel sorry for yourself be my guest but I am going to enjoy myself. I will see you later.”He left the cabin and I heard the horns blowing and the ship began to move. My head was hurting so bad, my heart was pounding a million miles a minute, I was sweating profusely, I was shaking uncontrollably, and tears was running down my face. I wanted the pain to stop. I never wanted anything so badly in my life. My sprit had left the cabin with him. He said a lot but never did he say what I wanted to hear. Simple words could have made all the difference. He was the one person who had the power to change the loneliness I was feeling. Why couldn’t he just say what I needed to hear? The walls were closing in on me. My thinking was distorted but I knew the pain I felt needed to end. Dawson has never asked for more than what we shared. He never would because for some unspoken reason I wasn’t worthy to him. I opened the door and walked out of the cabin. I needed to end all the pain once and for all. I wanted out and I begged God to accept me with open arms. This life had gotten the best of me and I had lost the will to live. I passed so many happy people. Couples were hugging, kissing, throwing confetti overboard, and laughing. Everyone looked like they were having tons and tons of fun. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt that way. Even if I did it was always so brief. I was so tired. Everyone was having so much fun they hadn’t even noticed the devastated state I was in. No one stopped me or asked if I needed any help. It felt like I was invisible. I searched and searched for the perfect spot. I decided to go to the top deck because it was less crowded and it was up high. I figured the closer I was to God the faster I would get home once it was all over. In an instant like a call being disconnected and a dial tone sounding in my ears my mind was made up. I knew exactly what I had to do. I started feeling so happy. All my problems would soon be a thing of the past. Now I was smiling and laughing and happy like everyone else. They were happy but I was experiencing another level of joy because I knew something they didn’t. I figured out how to end the pain once and for all. I felt like I had discovered the cure for cancer. When I reached the top deck it looked deserted. I thanked God for clearing it out for me. He was making sure nothing prevented me from coming home. I really felt confident by now that I was doing the right thing. He was reassuring me that it was ok. These were all signs and I knew it.The perfect spot appeared out of nowhere. Again I thank God. There was emergency box mounted besides the railing of the back end of the ship. It would be easy for me to climb up and over the railing, thanks to the box. I took one last look around and noticed no one around me. There were people scattered on the top deck but even if they reacted it would be too late. In a few minutes I would be home watching from up above ‘pain free’. As I climbed over the rail I repeated the words I had heard before, “Please have mercy on my soul.” Just as I jumped, I caught sight of Dawson running towards me. The fall just about took my breath but there was no denying the pain of hitting the freezing cold water. I never learned how to swim so I knew once I started to sink it was just a matter of seconds before I would be reunited with my maker. As I began to sink thoughts of my kids began to flood my head. I could see them crying and hurting. I thought, “Oh my god what have I done!” The entire time I was contemplating ending my life I hadn’t thought of my kids and how my actions were going to affect them. I remember holding each one of them in my arms at birth, their first steps, first day of school, first hugs, first kisses and the first time they said mommy. I began to panic because I knew I was wrong in wanting to leave them behind. I wanted to live but I knew it was too late. I was drowning and I knew it. I was sinking and with every second I was loosing control of my mind, body, and soul. The water was suffocating me and I was fading fast. I wondered what made me do such a crazy thing. How had I ended up in such a hopeless state of confusion? Why did I allow a man to push me over the edge like this? I wanted to live but it was crystal clear that it was too late. I pleaded for God to help me out of this helpless situation. Thoughts of the events leading up to this awful decision to self-destruct consumed my mind. What a difference one year can make. In one year I have become completely disconnected from reality.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Management styles & leadership styles of Warren Buffet & Bill Gates

Every senior manager makes a critical decision every day of his or her working life. Mostly, the decision is unconscious, but is no less vital for that. The issue is simply stated with three questions:

What work do I reserve for myself? • What work do I delegate to other people? • How do I control their performance?

Two friends provide a most remarkable case study of two totally contrasting sets of answers - the world's two richest men, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. The software czar has kept his fingers in every pie and has ruled the actions of his delegates by constant and fierce interrogations - which have often reversed their decisions. The great investor (some of whose other ideas were discussed here last month) reserves only two functions for himself: allocating Berkshire Hathaway's capital (which he loves to do) and helping 15 or 20 senior managers to 'keep a group of people enthused about what they do when they have no financial need whatsoever to do it'.

WHOLLY OWNED COMPANIESThe wholly owned companies managed by these people hold assets worth twice as much as Buffett's marvellous stock portfolio - in which seven major holdings from Coca-Cola to the Washington Post are dominant. The seven cost $4.4 billion: they were worth, at end-1998, $32.1 billion, out of a total share portfolio of £37.3 billion. The wholly owned assets, however, come to $80 billion, and the companies concerned employ 47,566 people, which is 60% more than Microsoft's roster.
In one sense, Buffett makes no distinction between the two types of investment. Whether you are buying all of a company, or just a fraction, you should, he believes, be vitally concerned with the same criteria:
1. Is the company simple and understandable? 2. Does it have a consistent operating history? 3. Does it have favourable, and predictable, long- term prospects? 4. Is the management competent and honest? 5. Is the underlying business undervalued?
The need for predictability and understanding rules out companies like Microsoft. Buffett doesn't understand the technology and has no intention of learning how. And Gates, even before he nearly missed the Internet boat, saw clearly that the technology has a mind of its own. His own titanic success, however, has been built on controlling the technology. By making MS-DOS and Windows the universal, all but inescapable entry into personal computing, Gates created a degree of market control that, until the Internet arrived, gave Microsoft's business a very high degree of predictability (and profit).
Control is basic to Gates's nature and his management practice. He has an obsession with detail and with checking up (he even used to sign expenses for his right-hand man, Steve Ballmer). The obsession is so well-known that few believed Gates's evidence in the Microsoft anti-trust trial. For astonishing example, when asked if he had ever read the complaint in the case, Gates said no. But did he know if the complaint made any allegations about a meeting between Microsoft and Netscape? Even though the latter's browsers were a huge threat to his business, his lame and incredible reply was: 'I think somebody said that that is in there'.
Thanks to the anti-trust case, the Internet and other developments, Microsoft's predictability has vanished. So, in theory, has the egocentric system by which the company was managed. Under the previous dispensation, groups (deliberately kept small) were continually formed and reformed to carry out specific tasks. Tight financial controls were applied, but the true organisational cement was Gates himself (backed up by Ballmer). As Business Week puts it, 'With decisions large and small funnelled to the top, the pair became a bottleneck. Worse, they undermined the confidence of managers below'.
NEW ORGANISATIONUnder the new organisation, which has the grand-sounding theme of 'Vision Version Two', Microsoft is split into eight new, customer-oriented divisions, each under a top manager who is supposed to exercise delegated, autonomous power over his domain - the classic system, derived from the military, of divide and control. Gates is supposed to stand clear of the day-to-day management of these divisions and to concentrate on broad strategy. The hope is that this will 'free Microsoft from its bureaucratic morass'. But even with the reforms, Gates's management is plainly going to stop far short of Buffett's practices and principles.
Buffett wants Berkshire Hathway's managers to think like owners. Since many of his chief executives actually did own the businesses before selling them to Buffett, that should come naturally to them. Buffett also likes to leave them with a significant stake (10 to 20%) to make the ownership practical as well as theoretical. Their rewards are tied exclusively to the achievements of their own businesses, not those of Berkshire Hathaway - a principle to which Buffett holds very strongly.
PERSONAL INFLUENCEIt's hard to argue with his idea that managers must be judged only by what they personally influence. The only contrary argument is where divisions relate directly to each other. If the managers are held responsible only for their own results, that intensifies the natural (but heinous) tendency to ignore other divisions, losing the potential, and sometimes essential, benefits of cooperation. That was one of the reasons for Microsoft's notorious inability to get people to work with each other across boundaries. You may need to have a significant part of the rewards tied to overall performance.
This doesn't arise in Buffett's case, though, because See's Candies has no conceivable connection with the Nebraska Furniture Mart or the Buffalo Evening News. It's therefore easy to treat each business and each CEO on their individual merits. Buffett gets regular financial reports, of course. Otherwise, CEOs can contact him (usually by phone) as they want (he rarely rings). They only have to follow some elementally simple rules. One of these rules, possibly the most important, runs as follows. 'If there is any significant bad news, let me know early'.
That is Buffett's 'only caveat'. He is clear that 'All of you do a first-class job in running your operations with your own individual styles. We are going to keep it that way. You can talk to me about what is going on as little or as much as you wish'. His other advice is of a piece with the above. 'Look at the business you run as if it were the only asset of your family, one that must be operated for the next 50 years and can never be sold'. He adds that 'We can afford to lose money - even a lot of money. We cannot afford to lose reputation - even a shred of reputation.'
This humane, collegiate approach is incomprehensible to many managers. The key to Buffett's ability to live up to his own credo is confidence in others. He truly means it when he congratulates his executives on their excellence. The more typical attitude elsewhere is:
1. You are not doing a first-class job, and will not do so unless I apply considerable pressure. 2. You will run your operation the company way (and my way), not your way. 3. I want you to keep me fully informed all the time, and will intervene forcefully if I don't like what you tell me. 4. If you bring me bad news, you may well be fired. 5. You will only run this business, or part of a business, for a short time and will be judged on your short-term results.
SUPERIOR SYSTEMThe great superiority of Buffett's system (or lack of it) is self-evident. A climate of confidence and freedom must surely generate better performance than one of suspicion and control. Yet in some ways, suspicion and control have ruled Microsoft - and its results have been sensationally successful. How can this paradox be resolved?
One answer is that both Buffett and Gates believe in financial incentives, making their managers extremely rich. Buffett doesn't like to use stock options, but his purchase prices have the same effect: the man who sold Buffett a company called Dexter Shoe in 1993 now owns Berkshire shares worth $1.5 billion. Even Buffett's generous bonus schemes - sometimes hitting six times the salary - can't compete with such rewards.
Nor can Microsoft compete with $1.5 billion. About a third of its employees are thought to be millionaires: a few veterans could be worth $100 million, but only a few. And the wealth isn't enough. According to the Wall Street Journal, tired of 'gruelling deadlines, frustrated by the bureaucracy that has accompanied Microsoft's explosive growth or lured away by the boom in high-tech start-ups, dozens of Microsoft's most capable leaders, all around 40, have opted out - at least temporarily'.
Microsoft's response, to reduce Gates's span of command, and give the new business unit managers more autonomy, was partly governed by 100 interviews with programme managers and team leaders. But stopping the brain drain will depend on the reality or otherwise of the autonomy that Microsoft's able, rich people understandably crave.
Meeting their wishes may come hard to a company which is accustomed, for instance, to having public relations people sitting in on interviews and taking copious notes of what the executives say to the media. Buffett doesn't even have any PR staff. It is, of course, unfair to compare a large, integrated corporation like Microsoft with a widely diversified holding company like Berkshire. But most companies can be readily split into discrete, free-standing businesses which can be managed and controlled along Buffett lines.
The secret is to treat the unit manager as a CEO in his or her own right. Don't impose targets, for a start, but let them tell you what they are going to achieve and how. Second, don't have a fixed idea of how long people (or yourself, for that matter) should stay running an operation. If they are happy and doing an excellent job, only move them if you both feel they are not living up to their full potential: or you have another, more important post for which they are ideal.
As Thinking Managers has elsewhere advised, you should always have a reservoir of able internal candidates for any such promotion. Characteristically, Buffett delegates this aspect of his responsibility, too. Thus, his top managers were asked to 'send me a letter updating your recommendations as to who should take over tomorrow if you became incapacitated tonight. Anything you send me will be confidential'.
SUBORDINATES AS EQUALSThat, you may be sure, rarely happens at Microsoft or most other companies. It means treating subordinates as equals, as grown-ups who know their businesses and their people and who can be trusted with anything - from accounting honestly for their expenses to thinking about succession. Trust is what ultimately distinguishes the Buffett and Gates styles. On results, you would have to say that Gates wins - but that has depended far less on management style than on the ruthless exploitation of a monopoly position which is unlikely to last.
For the long haul, Warren Buffett's way must be best. As an associate says, 'somehow Warren has been able to keep a diverse cast of characters working harder for him than they did for themselves. I see it every day - and I still don't know how he does it'. Having read all the above, though, you will have a good idea of the maestro's magic methods. Use them.


Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are two of the richest men in the world. Does the concept of scarcity apply to them?
Interesting question.
I think that it is fair to say that Bill Gates receives money quicker than he can spend it. For many consumer goods Gates is sufficiently rich to avoid having any feeling of scarcity. If we wants a bigger house, more cars, private aeroplanes, his own island he can buy them.There is a theoretical point when he wouldn’t be able to afford to buy any more cars, but this number would be so high, that in practical terms it is meaningless. Using indifference analysis we could also assume that Bill Gates would be indifferent between having 2,000 cars and 3,000 cars. The marginal utility of owning an extra 1,000 cars is zero (unless you get joy from collecting cars or something). Therefore, in practical terms he can buy as many cars as he wants to maximise his own welfare.
By the way, it is interesting to note that Bill Gates, even when rich, used to travel second class as he didn’t think first class was ‘worth the money’ This is an interesting insight into the mind of the world’s richest person.
Bill Gates was said to be unexpectedly spendthrift, e.g. he didn’t like paying a car parking charge so used to walk. However, his wife has been encouraging him to spend his money.
Scarcity and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet
These are examples of how scarcity could come into play.
Supposing someone kidnapped his wife and as a ransom they demanded 99.5% of his wealth in return for his wife. Would he pay it? He would soon be exposed to the issue of scarcity.
Time. We could argue time is an economic good, therefore, this does apply to Bill Gates. In fact his time has a higher opportunity cost. If working gives Bill Gates an hourly wage of $10 million per hour there is a high opportunity cost of leisure.
Charity. The Bill Gates charitable foundation gives money to worthy causes, there is always more his foundation could do.
Undermine an Economy. Maybe an international investor like Warren Buffet would like the dollar to appreciate by 10% (for political reasons) he could spend all his wealth on the dollar, but, even this is unlikely to be sufficient to overcome the market forces bringing the dollar down. Warren Buffet’s wealth is vast, but, it is not unlimited. He would face the issue of scarcity.
How much is Bill Gates worth?

Warren Buffett has overtaken Bill Gates to become the world’s richest and wealthiest person. Known for his frugal lifestyle, Warren Buffett is unlikely to get too excited about the news. When he got married recently, he bought a cheap discount ring for his wife. Warren Buffet makes most of his money from investing. 2007 saw a particularly good year as he made good choices on the Brazilian currency.
Top 10 Rich List
1. Warren Buffett Investments $(bn) 62.0
2 . Carlos Slim Helu Telecoms 60.0
3 . Bill Gates Software 58.0
4 . Lakshmi Mittal Steel 45.0
5 . Mukesh Ambani Petrochemicals 43.0
6. Anil Ambani Diverse sources 42.0
7. Ingvar Kamprad Ikea stores 31.0
8. KP Singh Property 30.0
9. Oleg Deripaska Aluminium 28.0
10. Karl Albrecht Aldi stores 27.0
The richest Britain is the Duke of Westminster with $14bn (ranked no. 46). The richest young person is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, currently worth $1.3bn.
According to the Forbes list, Bill Gates has been the richest person for the last 13 years

VERY NICE ARTICLE......................

"Look, we can't fall into old patterns.We have to think of a plan!"-

Lisa Simpson Dear colleague,That quote is from the cartoon series The Simpsons. Lisa is talking to her Dad, Homer Simpson, about the need for fresh thinking.

The quote belongs on every manager's wall. It's a good reminder that as soon we stop learning we start to decline.

But can you teach an old dog new tricks?
Often, it's not that you can't teach old dogs new tricks; you can't teach some dogs any tricks at all.
Let's take the example of the international conglomerate Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI).
Harvey-Jones was appointed CEO at ICI because he had shown himself to be a maverick, a radical by temperament and ideas. His ideas created breakthrough growth at ICI and made Harvey-Jones a household name.
Yet at ICI after Sir John Harvey-Jones retired, old managers resurfaced, gave a sigh of relief and returned thankfully to their previous unproductive ways. The ICI vets even opposed the Great Man publishing his account of what was by any standards a terrific turnaround.
What often holds a company back from growth is the company itself. Like the in-house top appointee who maintains the status quo, the corporate being can become deeply conservative, very unwilling to change and, even worse, loath to concede that change is required.
In any turnaround, it's real reform of the human relationships which determine performance. Read on to discover why:
How old dogs fail to implement changeAt the troubled electronics giant Philips, the chief executive Kleisterlee didn't reform; he reorganised. That meant dropping businesses worth $850 million, cutting operating expenses by $1.2 billion, closing 12 factories and outsourcing nearly all consumer electronics and appliance manufacture - plus chip production. That's a classic (or standard) downsizing prescription.
The human side had some attention; there's a drive 'to break down the walls separating Philips' fiercely independent divisions' and get them to communicate, to become transformed into a single company, under the legend 'One Philips'.
This sounds exciting and revolutionary, but is again standard - and dubious.
The reality is that Philips is not one company, and never will be. Some of its major remaining businesses have little in common.
Change managementThe true change manager starts with redefining the purposes of the organisation in the light of fully analysed external change. Next come the internal changes required if those purposes are to be met. Then you tackle the people, starting at the top. Will they or won't they whole-heartedly accept the new purposes and internal reforms? If they won't or can't, they can't stay - especially if their job is chief executive.
Solutions like these may be tough to implement ≠and we are the first to admit it. But unless you are aware of what needs doing, it's unlikely you'll ever become a top manager.
Letter to Thinking Managers is a problem-solving, creative newsletter for senior executives interested in learning and implementing best practice techniques.
We provide solutions to hundreds of common management problems (like the one above) on both a micro and macro level. I'd like you to try it, at no risk, over the next two months.
You'll find that practically every management issue has been faced before ≠and the right way to deal with it has been found. That dilemma or issue that's been at the back of your mind for the last three weeks has a solution ≠if only you knew who to talk to.
Letter to Thinking Managers offers that missing connection. Our two editors, Edward de Bono and Robert Heller explain how others did it and how it relates to your business.