Thursday, August 14, 2008

Peace and Happiness

Peace and Happiness, its something which we all need desperately as its the need of the hour.Where are we all going? Earning our livlihood, visiting muliplexes, but completely indifferent to whats happening around us. I was just thinking , how many of us help someone when we see a person on a roadside who is bleeding profusely because of a road accident? we atleast give our mobile for help or even ask what happened?? Oh... ya do we have time to even stop? I think we all must think of this and give a minute to ourself to think that have i become so oblivious that i dont care about anyone else or am i so much caught up in my own life and problems that i cant see anything else? I have started thinking about this very seriously. One cannot be happy if all others are suffering in and around us ... This is something i have learnt off late.

Terrorism , Bombblasts , Politicians playing the Number game , Robberies , Crime against women , where are we all leading to? I feel apathy has set in our society. I dont die in the bomb blast , my family is safe, so i dont care a damn. MM...i think this is what we all precisely feel. We all vote , are we aware how much our government is doing and is it functioning rightly?
Are we only criticising everything and everyone?

Friends, i feel time has come that we all awaken to the fact that we all have to live unitedly and really think hard about how to contribute to the society. Only Love , Peace , Happiness , Harmony , Frienship , Dialogue , are the key factors for improvement and growth in us , our society , and also our country.

The need of the hour for all us is Peace, Peace , and Peace and Happiness for all around us. We must all strive to become a Society where we all are Caring and Compassionate towards each other and talk the language of Peace............

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